Ogor Mawtribes – Big Grikk’s Kruleshots

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Regiment of Renown

Big Grikk’s Kruleshots

Grikk swears that the massive, jagged bolt that buried itself in the back of his boss’s Corpse-rippa Vulcha had nothing to do with him. Few believed the treacherous Big Shot, so Grikk quickly took leave of his clan, taking with him a handful of crossbow-toting lackeys and some grots to drag his beloved killbow across the realms.
 • 1 Beast-skewer Killbow (Leader)
 • 3 Man-skewer Boltboyz
 • 3 Man-skewer Boltboyz
If your army has a DESTRUCTION general but is not a Kruleboyz army, you can include this regiment of renown. If you do so, no other allied units can be included in your army. You can include this regiment of renown in your army even though its number of units and points value exceeds the amount allowed for allied units.

Unit Size: -      Points: 290
Battlefield Role: Warscroll Battalion
Notes: Unique, Single. These units must be taken as a set referred to as Big Grikk’s Kruleshots. Although taken as a set, each is a separate unit.


Back-stabbin’ Big Shot: Big Grikk has a reputation among his lads as ‘a right sneaky ’un’ – a high accolade in Kruleboyz society.
The BEAST-SKEWER KILLBOW in this regiment of renown has the HERO keyword.

Toxin-laden Skewers: Big Grikk’s Kruleshots habitually smear highly toxic secretions over the tips of their jagged bolts.
If the unmodified hit roll for an attack made by a model in this regiment of renown is 6, that attack causes a number of mortal wounds to the target equal to the weapon’s Damage characteristic and the attack sequence ends (do not make a wound roll or save roll).

Skewer It Again!: There’s no need for him to point; Grikk simply uses his bolts to indicate which beastie he wants his boyz to bring down.
If any wounds and/or mortal wounds caused by a shooting attack made by this regiment of renown’s BEAST-SKEWER KILLBOW are allocated to an enemy MONSTER and not negated, you can pick any number of other models in this regiment of renown and say that they are focusing fire. If you do so, until the end of the phase, add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of missile weapons used by those models but all of their attacks must target that enemy MONSTER.
14.5 Mortal Wounds
Some attacks, spells and abilities cause mortal wounds. Do not make hit, wound or save rolls for mortal wounds. Instead, the damage inflicted on the target is equal to the number of mortal wounds that were caused.

Mortal wounds caused while a unit is attacking are allocated at the same time as wounds caused by the unit’s attacks: after all of the unit’s attacks have been made. Mortal wounds caused at other times are allocated as soon as they are caused. Mortal wounds are allocated in the same way as wounds and are treated in the same manner as wounds for rules purposes.
Hit Roll
Roll a dice. If the roll equals or beats the attacking weapon’s To Hit characteristic, the attack scores a hit and you must make a wound roll. If not, the attack fails and the attack sequence ends. An unmodified hit roll of 1 always fails and an unmodified hit roll of 6 always hits. A hit roll cannot be modified by more than +1 or -1 (this is an exception to the principle that abilities take precedence over core rules).

Sometimes an ability will allow a single hit roll to score two or more hits. If this is the case, make all of the wound and save rolls for those hits at the same time.

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1.4.2 Your General
After you have picked your army, you must pick 1 model in your army to be your general. Generals are used to generate command points (see 6.0).
Wound Roll
Roll a dice. If the roll equals or beats the attacking weapon’s To Wound characteristic, the attack wounds the target and your opponent must make a save roll. If not, the attack fails and the attack sequence ends. An unmodified wound roll of 1 always fails and an unmodified wound roll of 6 always wounds. A wound roll cannot be modified by more than +1 or -1 (this is an exception to the principle that abilities take precedence over core rules).
Save Roll
Your opponent rolls a dice, modifying the roll by the attacking weapon’s Rend characteristic. If the roll equals or beats the target unit’s Save characteristic, the target is saved and the attack sequence ends. If not, the attack is successful and you must determine the damage that is inflicted on the target. An unmodified save roll of 1 always fails. A save roll cannot be modified by more than +1 (this is an exception to the principle that abilities take precedence over core rules).

Designer’s Note: Save rolls do not always succeed on an unmodified roll of 6, and they can be modified by more than -1.
© Vyacheslav Maltsev 2013-2024