Gloomspite Gitz – Loonboss

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A Loonboss never fights fair, ducking and weaving around his enemies and hurling mobs of cackling grots at them to wear them down, before finishing them off with a blade to the throat or between the shoulder blades.
MELEE WEAPONSRangeAttacksTo HitTo WoundTo WndRendDamageDmg

Unit Size: 1      Points: 80
Battlefield Role: Leader
Base size: 32mm
Notes: Single

A Loonboss is armed with a Moon-slicer.

BATTALIONS: This warscroll can be used in the following warscroll battalions:
 • Bosses of the Skrap
 • Skulkmob Horde

Dead Tricksy: Loonbosses are masters at using cunning and tricks in order to survive.
This unit has a ward of 6+.

I’m Da Boss, Now Stab ’Em Good!: Loonbosses prefer to make their minions do all the fighting.
When this unit issues the All-out Attack command to a friendly MOONCLAN unit in the combat phase, until the end of that phase, if the unmodified wound roll for an attack made by that MOONCLAN unit is 6, the attack causes 1 mortal wound to the target in addition to any damage it inflicts.

Designer’s Note: This effect is in addition to the normal effect of All-out Attack.

14.5 Mortal Wounds
Some attacks, spells and abilities cause mortal wounds. Do not make hit, wound or save rolls for mortal wounds. Instead, the damage inflicted on the target is equal to the number of mortal wounds that were caused.

Mortal wounds caused while a unit is attacking are allocated at the same time as wounds caused by the unit’s attacks: after all of the unit’s attacks have been made. Mortal wounds caused at other times are allocated as soon as they are caused. Mortal wounds are allocated in the same way as wounds and are treated in the same manner as wounds for rules purposes.

The DESTRUCTION keyword is used in the following Gloomspite Gitz warscrolls:

Army List
Warscrolls collated

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All-out Attack
With a singular purpose, these warriors attack with all of their might.
You can use this command ability when you pick a friendly unit to shoot in your shooting phase or fight in the combat phase. That unit must receive the command. Add 1 to hit rolls for attacks made by that unit until the end of that phase.
Wound Roll
Roll a dice. If the roll equals or beats the attacking weapon’s To Wound characteristic, the attack wounds the target and your opponent must make a save roll. If not, the attack fails and the attack sequence ends. An unmodified wound roll of 1 always fails and an unmodified wound roll of 6 always wounds. A wound roll cannot be modified by more than +1 or -1 (this is an exception to the principle that abilities take precedence over core rules).

The LOONBOSS keyword is used in the following Gloomspite Gitz warscrolls:

Leader, Behemoth
14.3 Wards
Some abilities allow you to roll a dice to negate a wound or mortal wound, or to allocate a wound or mortal wound to a unit other than the original target. Abilities of this type are referred to as wards, and the dice roll is referred to as a ward roll. Unless stated otherwise, the ward roll is made before the wound is allocated to the model in question. Up to 1 ward roll can be made for each wound or mortal wound, unless specified otherwise. If the ward roll is successful, the wound or mortal wound is negated and has no effect on the model. If a wound or mortal wound cannot be negated, you cannot make a ward roll for that wound or mortal wound.
© Vyacheslav Maltsev 2013-2024